Demone Carter, Director of Community Engagement

Demone Carter

Demone Carter is an award-winning Hip Hop artist, creative catalyst, and non-profit leader from San Jose, California. From 2014 to 2019 he was the Program Manager for the School of Arts and Culture’s Multicultural Arts Leadership Institute (MALI). In this role, he led a cohort-based arts leadership program for arts professionals of color deeply engaged in Silicon Valley’s arts, culture, and entertainment sectors. Demone co-founded FutureArtsNow! an award-winning for-profit creative expression program rooted in the elements of Hip Hop culture. Performing under the name DEM ONE he has released several albums, been named Silicon Valley Artist Laureate (2016), and recently took part in a cultural exchange musical tour of Vietnam in conjunction with the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi. In addition to recording and performing Demone is also the host of the Dad Bod Rap Pod podcast and writes about music, culture, and race for Content Magazine and San Jose Inside Blog. Currently, Mr. Carter is the Director of Community Engagement, defining the public narrative and overseeing the team responsible for overall volunteer recruitment and community engagement.